August Wrap-Up 2016

In My Life

My senior year of high school started this month. It is going well, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t wish it was still summer. So far, I am enjoying all of my classes, especially AP Art History and ceramics.

On This Blog

I had eleven posts this month. I wish that I had more—honestly I had other post ideas, I just didn’t write them—but adjusting to school took most of my time.

Book Tags:

Top Ten Tuesdays:

In Reading and Reviewing

I have no time to read in class anymore! Last year, a lot of my classes focused on classwork, so I would finish early and have time to read, but that is not the case this year. While I am happy to have less boring classwork, this means that I only read three books this month.

I DNF-ed The Demon King halfway through because I just did not care about the story. Then I read Symptoms of Being Human and started rereading the Gemma Doyle trilogy. I also caught up on some book reviews this month.

  • Ruin and Rising (Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo — 4/5 stars (review)
  • The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson — 5/5 stars (review)
  • Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin — 3/5 stars (review)
  • A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle #1) by Libba Bray — 4/5 stars (review to come)
  • Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2) by Libba Bray — 4/5 stars (review to come)

In Writing

This was a conflicted month for writing. In the week I had before school started, I wrote 10,000 words, bringing my total for my current draft (and my total for how many words I wrote this summer) to 62,000 words. Unfortunately, school started and I literally have not touched my WIP since them. I did publish a poem—Page One—at least.

Right now, all of my writing energy is going toward trying to get my Common Application essay done for college apps. I have written a ton of drafts, none that I like very much, but hopefully everything will come together in September. (And then I get to work on supplemental essays…yay.)

How was your August? If you’re a student, have you gone back to school yet? What are you planning on reading in September?

Top Ten Parts of High School I Wish YA Authors Talked About More

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s topic is a Back to School Freebie.

I’m a senior in high school, and my high school career has been very academic-focused. I can’t speak for everyone, and I don’t want to act like my HS experience is everyone’s HS experience. That being said, here are some things that I wish I saw more of in YA literature. 

1. Homework. No seriously, homework.

I don’t care if your character is the biggest slacker in the world or the valedictorian, they have homework. Maybe they cheat on their homework, or do it during class, or only turn in every third assignment. Still. If your character goes to high school, I’d really like to have homework mentioned.

2. Club meetings during school. Or club meetings at all.

This might just be my school, but for me, most of the clubs on campus meet during lunch. That means that sometimes I can’t eat lunch with my friends, either because they’re in a meeting or I am.

3. Extracurricular activities that aren’t sports.

I think YA authors are pretty good at having athletic characters. But even if a character isn’t athletic, they probably have something to do after school.


Oh my god this needs to be talked about more. Do you know how frustrating it is to read about characters that are supposedly smart (or even just kind of care about grades) that don’t stress about school? Ever?!?!? Tests are stressful. Projects are stressful. Not knowing how to do math homework is stressful. School is stressful, and not just for people trying to get a 4.0.

5. College stress.

I want to see freshman planning what classes they will take in the next four years to be in a good place for college. I want to see sophomores freaking out because they haven’t done enough community service or didn’t get a leadership position in a club. I want to see juniors ready to stab the next person that asks them which colleges they want to apply to. I want to see seniors frustrated that they have to defend their college choices from the relentless judgement of others.

I wish those things didn’t exist, but they do, so start writing about them.

6. Bad teachers.

While inspiring, there-when-you-need-a-word-of-advice teachers are common in YA, bad teachers aren’t talked about enough. They can destroy a school year. They can make you not want to go to class or care about your grade.

7. Battles for something other than valedictorian.

I have started seeing a lot of books centered around people battling for being top of the class. First of all, a lot of schools don’t do ranking anymore (my school doesn’t), and second of all, academics are competitive even on a lower level. College apps pit you against millions of other high school students, and that puts an inherently competitive edge into a lot of aspects of high school.

8. An understanding of AP classes, the SAT/ACT, SAT subject tests, etc.

So often, I’ll be reading a book and a character will go to “AP History.” It seems like a minor thing, but it jars me out of the story. There are at least three different classes that could be called “AP History,” and when the author doesn’t pick one, it gives me the impression that they haven’t talked to HS student in years.

There’s also a financial side of standardized tests that should be looked at. If your character is poor, talk about how expensive these tests are, how complicated getting fee waivers can be, and how frustrating it is to be competing with people who can buy prep books and classes without blinking an eye.

9. Dress codes.

Not every book needs to talk about this, but some should. There is a giant push back against dress codes right now, pointing out how sexist and outdated they are. I would love to see this discussed in a YA book.

10. Sleep deprivation.

I can’t tell you how often I hear people say that they got 2-3 hours of sleep the night before, or that getting 5 hours is a lot for them. Sleep deprivation has serious side effects that I see all around me every day, and I wish more authors would talk about it.

What do you think? Fellow high school students, does this sound familiar? What parts of high school do you feel authors miss?

Book Review: Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin

Edit: It has been brought to my attention that this book has problematic representation. While this book helped explain gender-fluidity, it does so in a way that is clearly written for cisgender people, not for gender fluid people who need representation in fiction. If you want to read about gender fluid individuals, seek out #ownvoices stories which center gender-fluid people, rather than writing for cis people’s benefit. Additionally, while never revealing the main character’s gender assigned at birth or using pronouns to describe the MC is compelling, it is a choice that can undermine important parts of life for gender-fluid individuals. Also, not using pronouns undermines the educational value, in my opinion, by refusing to normalize gender-neutral pronouns.

An emotional roller coaster of a story that helped me understand gender fluidity.

3/5 stars

cover symptoms of being human synopsis for reviews 2

The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl?

Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservative Orange County, the pressure—media and otherwise—is building up in Riley’s so-called “normal” life.

On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it’s REALLY like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley’s starting to settle in at school—even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast—the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley’s real identity, threatening exposure. Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created—a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in—or stand up, come out, and risk everything.

Add it on Goodreads

my thoughts for reviews 1

I did not know what to expect from Symptoms of Being Human, but I got an emotionally charged story that honestly changed the way I see the world.

I loved Riley’s character. Their voice was clear from the first page, with just enough sass and never too much brooding. I was sucked into their life and was incredibly emotionally invested in everything that happened.

Through Riley, I got a vivid window into what it is like to be gender fluid. The way that the author presented Riley’s character felt natural; it feels like a novel, not a pamphlet. I had never considered what it would be like to be gender fluid before, but Symptoms of Being Human really helped me understand it. SOBH also has various other LGBT characters and spends a lot of time clarifying the nuances between each in a clear way—without breaking up the flow of the story. I am thinking of passing this book onto my grandparents because of how simply but clearly it explains different LGBT identities.

Riley’s first day of school made me nervous. The depiction of high school was extremely stereotypical, kind of everything I avoid when it comes to contemporary books. Though it never completely shook the stereotypical beginning, the high school was thankfully given more nuance as the story progressed.

The side characters helped the story avoid being totally cliche. Both Solo and Bec broke the “best friend” and “love interest” molds, bringing originality and life to the story. I loved that their relationships with Riley did not progress easily from their first meets to friendship; the friction they had with Riley gave the story more layers and helped the plot go in interesting directions. Bec’s backstory complemented the main plot without feeling like it was added in only for that purpose.

Speaking of the plot, SOBH was paced exceptionally well. For a contemporary book, the pacing is pretty fast, especially past the halfway mark. I was sucked in, both because of the plot and the emotions the plot evoked. I read the book in basically two sittings, and I cried for most of the ending.

The process of Riley’s blog going viral felt natural and realistic. Riley was actually a really strong writer who was able to put his emotions into moving words, making it understandable why his blog would become popular. Even so, the blog did not go viral overnight, and it was not a positive process. Riley started a blog assuming no one would care and became a lightning rod for LGBT controversies and discussions within a few weeks. It was overwhelming and frightening for Riley, and that was before someone threatened to expose his identity in real life.

As much as I loved SOBH, I have a few problems with the plot. I saw the identity of the person who was threatening Riley coming from miles away. Though the plot grabbed me, it never took an entirely unexpected turn. Looking back on the story, I feel like the author could have done more to make the plot less predictable. Making the story longer and fleshing out some of the side plots could have helped make the story more unique, I think.

Overall, I would recommend SOBH to everyone. It does a fantastic job bringing Riley’s identity to life. Though the plot has technical flaws, the story is gripping and powerful, and I dare you not to be horrified and saddened throughout the book. I will definitely read anything else Jeff Garvin writes.

Top Ten Books I Have Owned For a While That I Haven’t Read

This week’s TTT topic is supposed to be “Ten Books That Have Been On Your Shelf (Or TBR) From Before You Started Blogging That You STILL Haven’t Read Yet,” but honestly I don’t remember what books I owned or wanted to read two and a half years ago. Instead, I’m highlighting a similar idea, which is books that I have owned for a while (at least a year for most of them) but that I haven’t read yet.

1. Bruised by Sarah Skilton

cover bruised

My sister loved this book, but I have stayed away from it because I know it will be very emotional and I want to read it when I’m in the right mood. Unfortunately, that means I haven’t read it, even though my sister has been pushing it for a few years now I think.

2. Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein

cover rose under fire

I have loved everything else Elizabeth Wein has written, but this promises to be the most heartbreaking one yet—and that is saying something. Again, this is the kind of book that I have avoided reading until I have time to cry…a lot.

3. His Majesty’s Dragon (Temeraire #1) by Naomi Novik

cover his majestys dragon

Uprooted is one of my favorite books ever, so I am really excited about reading Naomi Novik’s other books. The Temeraire series is REALLY LONG though, so I have been waiting until I feel like marathon-ing it.

4. The Sweetheart by Angelina Mirabella

cover the sweetheart

Again, my sister swears by this book. I am excited to read it, but somehow, something else always ends up above it in my TBR.

5. Lair of Dreams (Diviners #2) by Libba Bray

cover lair of dreams

I LOVE Libba Bray, and I’m really ashamed to say that 100% of the reason that I haven’t read her latest book is that it (and it’s predecessor) are MASSIVE. I’ll get to it someday…

6. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

cover snow like ashes

This was a total hype buy that my sister read and thought was okay. I’m really curious about this story so I know I’ll read it someday, but knowing that my sister thought it was “meh” keeps me from diving into it right now.

7. Salt and Storm by Kendall Kulper

cover salt and storm

We’ve entered the gauntlet of books that I haven’t read because my sister didn’t love them. She didn’t hate any of them, so we haven’t gotten rid of the books, but it is really hard to pick up a book (no matter how curious you are) knowing that someone with really similar taste didn’t get excited about it.

8. An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet

cover an inheritance of ashes

A hype buy with the same story as the last two.

9. Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer

cover scarlet

I didn’t love Cinder, but for some reason I bought the sequel, so I know that I’ll read it eventually. 1) People have assured me that the series gets better, 2) I want to get swept up in the hype, and 3) I hate getting rid of books without reading them.

10. Shades of Earth (Across the Universe #3) by Beth Revis

cover shades of earth

I loved Across the Universe, but A Million Suns didn’t really work for me. I think I might go back and read the entire trilogy someday, but for right now, the last book remains unread.

Have you read any of these? Are any of your favorites wasting away on the bottom of my TBR pile? Let me know!

Poetry: Page One

You stand on Page One


But fighting


But standing




You are not the Warrior

The Queen

The Wizard or the Mage

Of the last pages of my favorite novels


But they flicker inside of you

Embers of future flames


You are healing

Cracks closing

Blood clotting

Wounds scarring

Into memories


There is a word for taking something broken

And putting it back together with gold between the cracks


Don’t sell yourself short with

The dollar store super glue that

That attendant tried to sell you

Don’t buy it


Your story is just beginning

But I believe I know how it ends

The Olympic Book Tag

I was tagged by Kirstie @ Upside-Down Books to do the Olympic Book Tag. Thanks!

I am loving the Olympics right now! Gymnastics, diving, fencing, and beach volleyball are my favorite sports to watch, but I have been watching basically everything I can, because we got cable back for two weeks and I want to take advantage of it.

The Opening Ceremony — What book did you think had an incredible opening?

cover night circus

The first lines of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern are gorgeous, and they set the tone for one of the most magical stories ever:

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it, no paper notices or advertisements in local newspapers. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.

The Games — What is your favourite fictional competition?

cover ready player one

I love the competition in Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I didn’t think that I would get sucked into a competition surrounding vintage video games and movies, but I totally did.

The Original — The modern games are based on the original Greek competition – what is your favourite book based on a classic?

series star swept peterfreund

Across a Star-Swept Sea and For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund are retellings of The Scarlet Pimpernel and Persuasion respectively. I haven’t read either original story, but I love these retellings.

The Eternal Flame  — What is one ship that you won’t let die, even after the books made it clear it was never going to happen?

cover rebel angels

Gemma Doyle and Simon Middleton in the Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray. I love the guy Gemma ended up with, and in all actuality Simon was wrong for her, but I still love the idea of them as a couple.

Gymnastics — What’s a book that had so many twists and turns it left your head spinning? (in a good way)

cover uprooted

If you haven’t read Uprooted by Naomi Novik yet, you should go out and do that. Part fantasy novel, part horror story, this book kept me guessing and freaking out from cover to cover.

The Controversial Judge  — What’s a book that you have a totally different opinion about than most other people?

cover everything everything

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon—I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it. The ending frustrated me and the book left me dissatisfied.

Beach Volleyball  — What is your favorite fictional duo?

cover fire

I wanted to go to my standard answer which is Emie and Teo from Black Dove White Raven, but then I decided to go with something more creative. I love Fire and Small (her horse).

Weightlifting — What is the most massive book on your shelf?

cover the way of kings

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson is ridiculously huge, but I haven’t read it yet. The Sweet Far Thing, A Court of Mist and Fury, and Monsters of Men are smaller, but still massive books that I’ve actually read.

Track & Field — What is a book that you just tore through with world record speed?

cover symptoms of being human

Well, honestly I read a lot of books in one sitting, especially over summer, so it’s hard for me to pick out one that I read quickly. The most recent book that I blew through, however, was Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin, which was amazing and tear-jerking and you should read it immediately.

Synchronised Swimming — What is a book series that you kept reading, even though you didn’t have any idea why?

cover indelible

The Twixt series by Dawn Metcalf is interesting enough that I’ve read the first two books in the series (I’ve read the first book twice), but honestly, I am not invested in the series at all. And yet, I still want to read the next book.

The Tortured Fan — What fictional family, group, nation, or organisation do you irrationally rout for no matter how many times they break your heart?

cover code name verity bigger

I root for the friendship in Code Name Verity more than anything. It is heartbreaking and wonderful and I don’t want to say more lest I spoil this incredible book.

Closing Ceremony — What book had an ending that just blew your mind?

cover a court of mist and fury

I am still not over the ending of A Court of Mist and Fury. If you are, please comment and share your wisdom, because thinking about it kind of destroys me.

Relay Race — Who do you tag?

And you!

Have you read any of the books I talked about? Are you watching the Olympics?

The Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

I wasn’t tagged by anyone, but I couldn’t resist doing this tag! I know it’s a bit past the middle of the year, but better late than never.

The Best Book You’ve Read So Far In 2016

cover a court of mist and fury

A Court of Mist and Fury wins everything.

The Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far

cover their fractured light

Their Fractured Light was an incredible ending to this trilogy. I was amazed by how much I fell in love with all of the characters and how invested I was in the story.

A New Release You Haven’t Read Yet (But You Want To)

cover the serpent king

I have heard nothing but good things about The Serpent King, so I’m really excited to read it myself.

Most Anticipated Release For Second Half Of 2016

I’m sorry. I know these are basically everyone’s answers…but they’re popular for a reason. I cannot wait for either book.

Biggest Disappointment

cover these shallow graves

These Shallow Graves was really disappointing. I honestly didn’t like it, which is rare for me.

Biggest Surprise

cover ready player one

I did not know what to expect from Ready Player One, but it ended up being a unique story that I loved, even if I missed most of the pop culture references.

Favorite New Author

I read both of these books in 2016 and I am officially in love with Ryan Graudin‘s stories! Both of them are intense historical fiction novels with great characters and dark world-building.

Newest Fictional Crush

cover the unexpected everything

Clark was ADORABLE. He wasn’t just a love interest; he got his own complex personality. And it was an amazing personality.

Newest Favorite Character

cover bands of mourning

I hated Steris in the beginning of this series, but three books in, she is one of my favorite characters ever. I love how she isn’t your typical female character and how Brandon Sanderson has brought her to life.

A Book That Made You Cry

cover the raven king

The Raven King made me sob. So. Hard.

A Book That Made You Happy

cover the unexpected everything

The Unexpected Everything also made me cry, but for the most part, it is an incredibly sweet story. Just thinking about certain scenes makes me smile.

Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought So Far This Year

cover the raven king

Sorry to repeat answers, but look at that cover. It is perfection.

Favorite Adaptation So Far This Year

I don’t watch adaptions, so I can’t answer this one.

What Books Do You Need To Read Before The End Of This Year?

cover firsts

I got this book at the beginning of the year and have literally been meaning to read it since then. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I plan to before the year is over!

Favorite Post You’ve Written So Far This Year

I am really happy with the post that I wrote about reading YA as a girl that cries. I was nervous about posting it, but I got a lot of positive feedback and I’m glad that I put myself out there.

Favorite Book Community Member Of The First Half Of 2016

This question makes me uncomfortable. I love all of you!

Top Ten Topics That Will Make Me Not Pick Up a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s topic is REWIND, so I picked a topic from 2013 that I liked the sound of: Top Ten Words/Topics That Will Make You Not Pick Up a Book.

I’d like to say right now that all of these ideas have a giant PROBABLY next to them. While I don’t love these tropes/concepts/ideas, if a book sounds interesting enough (or comes highly recommended) I will get over my dislike and read it.

Also, I’m not insulting any specific book or author, and I don’t have a problem with you if you like these trends. This is my personal taste in books.

1. Time Travel — I don’t know what it is about the idea of a time travel book that turns me off so much. I love Doctor Who. But the idea of reading a book surrounding time travel just doesn’t work for me.

2. Framed for a Murder She Didn’t Commit — Nope. Nope. Nope. I hate this trope no matter the form. I have literally stopped watching TV shows when they add this as a subplot. Why? It is STRESSFUL and I can’t handle it.

3. Dystopian — I used to love dystopians, right around the time that everyone loved them. I think I’ve read too many of them now, and I just don’t feel compelled to read them. The set-up doesn’t feel original or creative anymore.

4. Twin Anything — This one is personal. I’m a twin, and it’s a really big part of my life, something I don’t really know how to put into words. I hate reading stories that involve twins, especially if they fall apart or die or anything like that. I don’t want those ideas in my mind.

5. …or did she? — Any description that ends with “or did he/she” will probably keep me from reading the book. I am not a fan of unreliable narrators or stories that intentionally try to trick me, and this phrase is usually a giveaway for a story that I won’t like.

6. Amnesia — Another form of an unreliable narrator that doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t like the constant state of uncertainty that amnesia stories have, and they usually involve other things I don’t like (see #2 and #5).

7. Guy from Dreams Shows Up In Reality — This one bugs me because it usually leads into one of my least favorite scenes ever: character sees undeniable magic, spends the next twelve chapters trying to deny it. I feel like this kind of story would rely really heavily on denial, when as a reader, I’m just like, “You’re in a fantasy novel, magic is real, get over it.”

8. Blurring the lines between reality and magic — Have you noticed that I don’t like stories where I don’t know what’s going on? Yeah…I guess I’m a control freak or something. I really hate books where you can’t tell if it’s magic or mental illness or something else going on. I like magic. I want it to be magic. Don’t give me magic and then have it not be magic. Also, I would like to be able to follow the plot, not spend all my time trying to tell what is happening and what is a hallucination.

9. Steampunk — Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE steampunk. I love the costumes and the artwork. I went to Comic Con dressed as a steampunk fairy. However, the things I love about steampunk can’t really be transformed into a story, and the few steampunk-style stories have dramatically missed the mark.

10. Anything with high school cliques — This one just feels unrealistic for me. I go to a high school that has nearly 3,000 students. There are too many people for their to be a Queen Bee or one Popular Guy, or even for their to be a ruling clique. When a major part of the story relies on mean girls or “the hottest guy in school,” I roll my eyes and move on.

What do you think? Do you love/hate any of these topics? What topics can YOU not stand?

Book Review: The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

An incredible story of love and friendship that made me laugh and cry in equal measure.

5/5 stars

cover the unexpected everything

synopsis for reviews 2

Andie had it all planned out.

When you are a politician’s daughter who’s pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.

Important internship? Check.

Amazing friends? Check.

Guys? Check (as long as we’re talking no more than three weeks).

But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.

Because here’s the thing—if everything’s planned out, you can never find the unexpected.

And where’s the fun in that?

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As this was my third Morgan Matson book, I had no doubt that I would enjoy the story. I just didn’t think that I would love it as much as I did.

Andie was a great protagonist. She starts off the book your typical Type A, planning-for-college-since-freshman-year character, but when her plans go off the rails, a more complex personality starts to emergeFor a little while, it seemed like she was going to be really similar to Matson’s other protagonists, which would have been a little disappointing, but thankfully she grew into her own character.

Though her life was very different from my own, I felt instantly connected to Andie. She was incredibly relatable, and I always understood what she was feeling and why she made the choices she made. Her growth felt natural and well-paced. I couldn’t describe the exact moment she became a more down-to-earth person—that was how smooth the transition was.

Andie’s group of friends had everything that I look for from friendships in books: Positive interactions between girls in which they actually talk about emotions/insecurities/sex? Check. Male friends that have nuanced personalities and are treated as part of the group? Check. Side characters that have nuanced relationships with each other and clear personalities and their own subplots? Check, check, check. Yay!

Andie’s relationship with her dad was one of the most unexpected parts of the book. I knew that they would of course bond throughout the summer (it’s just that kind of book), but I was surprised at how natural the change in their relationship felt. The story was never preachy or cheesy, never yelled at the reader to just shut up and love their parents. Andie and her dad both consciously worked to improve their relationship.

And then there was Clark. I am 110% in love with Clark. He started the book as your average, gawky in front of a cute girl nerd (though his Doctor Who t-shirt already separated him from the pack). However, there was so much more to his character, and he ended up being one of the most unique love interests that I think I’ve ever read about.

I really don’t want to spoil anything because I loved how shocked I was as we slowly learned more about Clark. Suffice to say that I really related to him and his passions, and I wish we got to see more male characters with this kind of personality.

The romance between Clark and Andie was adorable (obviously, this is Morgan Matson we’re talking about). They have a cliche beginning—the usual “hey I met a hot person and we kept bumping into each other” thing—but from there on, their relationship became more and more unique. I liked that they didn’t immediately fall for each other and that even once they had been together for a while, they still hadn’t opened up to each other completely. I understood why they both held back, and it made what could have been a tired attempt to add drama feel new and believable.

I’m not going to lie, I spent most of the middle of TUE terrified because I could tell that their perfect relationship was bound to fall apart (they just had too many unresolved issues), and I knew it would kill me. Well, guess what? I spent the last quarter of the book crying. So at least I get credit for being right???

Even as I was crying, though, I knew that there was more to TUE than the romance. I wasn’t sobbing just because of Andie and Clark, but also because of Andie’s dad and Andie’s friends and Andie herself. Each of the subplots was written in such a way that they could all break my heart. TUE’s power comes from how freaking real it is; never once did something strike me as unbelievable or out-of-place.

TUE is really long. Like, longer than any other contemporary book I’ve read, I think. Because of how long it was, every plot line had time to shine and develop, every character got to grow, and none of their relationships felt rushed. I wish that more contemporary authors took this long to explore their stories.

Now for the little things I loved: The title, for one, is absolutely perfect. I loved the way that fantasy novels were woven into the book, combining two of my favorite genres in one. I loved that TUE and SYBG share the same setting, and I actually squealed out loud when I hit the tiny crossover scene between those two books.

Finally, I loved the ending of this book. I had finally stopped crying by the last pages, and I was able to enjoy the happiness that the ending gave me. However, the ending doesn’t fixes everything, and I appreciated that some things were left imperfect. An ending that put everything back together would have ruined the realism of the story and undermined its message.

I would recommend TUE to anyone who loves contemporary stories or who is looking for a book with a large focus on friendship and family. Though I spent an entire morning crying over it, the story is happy and uplifting more than anything else. My favorite Morgan Matson book yet.

Book Review: Ruin and Rising (Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo

A great story that finished off what has been an interesting fantasy trilogy.

4/5 stars

cover ruin and rising

This review will contain spoilers for books one (Shadow and Bone) and two (Siege and Storm), but you can read my reviews for those books by following the links in their titles.

synopsis for reviews 2

The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation’s fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova’s amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling’s secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.

my thoughts for reviews 1

Since the first book, the Grisha trilogy had been heavily driven by Alina’s character development, something that I have loved in all three books. Alina continues to grow in Ruin and Rising, finally finding a version of herself that can balance her power with who she wants to be. It was a great ending to her character arc that felt believable.

I loved the new characters in this book, as well as getting to know some minor characters better. All of the characters added originality and life to the story, and while I wish that a few of them had been focused on more, I was pleased overall with the group that assembled around Alina.

I still didn’t really care about Mal and Alina as a couple, but I liked watching their relationship progress throughout the story. Their relationship progressed at a good pace, never feeling out-of-character or overly dramatic. The romance never over-powered the real plot, but it was always there, helping the story along.

The Darkling had a larger role in this story than the last one, which I was happy about (that had been one of my only complaints about book two). His character took some interesting twists and turns, solidifying his place as a fascinating villain.

The plot of Ruin and Rising follows Alina’s quest for the firebird to gain the third amplifier. The quest separated Alina and her fellow characters from the political web that had been the focus of the previous two books.

While I can’t deny the plot was paced well, I felt a little let-down with the new focus of the story. It was strange to read a final book in a trilogy that backed away from the major climatic issue of who will rule the country to focus instead on one character’s quest. I am not saying that it was bad-weird, but I am not convinced that it was good-weird.

The best part of Ruin and Rising was that the story finally talked about important issues. The previous two books had focused on plot and characters, leaving little room for discussions of societal problems or controversies. Because of this, neither of the previous books felt especially meaningful.

However, in the third book, we finally got to see some important issues discussed. Genya’s character was the focus of most of these more serious moments, which was a refreshing ending for a character that started the series as a vain gossip. I also loved the way that the complicated relationship between faith, war, and trust was explored in relation to Alina’s “sainthood.”

One part of Ruin and Rising made me uncomfortable, unfortunately. I felt like there were undercurrents of condemnation for people who didn’t react to trauma well. A few scenes made it seem like people who suffer from PTSD were “weak.” This really didn’t sit well with me, and while it wasn’t a major part of the book at all, it wasn’t something I could overlook.

The ending of this series left me conflicted. On one hand, it was a perfect ending for Alina’s story. It wrapped up everything and gave every character an ending that they deserved and that made sense. On the other hand, it was a very bittersweet ending, and I found myself wishing that Alina had gotten a different, grander one. It was an ending that dealt with a lot of loss, and even though it could be considered “happy,” I feel melancholy thinking back to it.

I would recommend the Ruin and Rising to anyone who has read the first two books in the Grisha trilogy. It does an amazing job of finishing the series, giving the readers surprises, heartbreak, and happiness. I can’t say that this trilogy is one of my all-time favorites, but I am very glad that I read it.